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There is no doubt that soccer is one of those few sports that are played and watched in almost every country across the globe. The youth is to lead the game of soccer in the coming years. Therefore, smart gadgets specially designed for soccer games are becoming more and more popular among these future soccer stars. If you wish to level up your soccer game with intelligent gadgets and devices, then there are plenty of options available online that can make your next soccer tournament more thrilling and exciting.

From mobile apps and video recording glasses to track performance to a smartwatch and soccer balls, we have listed the dos and don’ts of using smart gadgets to make your soccer tournament more safe, fun and exciting.

Performance Monitoring Apps

There are several apps available online that allow users of different ages, levels, or skills to monitor and track their performance. With these applications, you can keep track of the distance, kick and sprint speed. With the regular use of these apps, you can improve your soccer game with the help of advanced tracking. Such apps can also be used to record videos which can be viewed after the game.

These apps usually come with sensors that are fixed on the player’s calf sleeves, which records the stats, and direct the data to an app. Users of such apps and devices love the idea and concept as it lets them know about their strengths and weaknesses as a player.

If you are really into smart gadgets and devices, then you must invest in a performance tracking system. Some apps even let users record and post their video highlights in real-time. Moreover, some designs are so lightweight and small that no one can tell whether you are wearing one or not.


  • Make sure to pick one which comes with other additional features such as monitoring of heart rate, pulse, etc.
  • Long battery life is crucial for any device, especially if you are planning to use it for a soccer tournament. Since these apps and tools need to be used via smartphones, make sure to fully charge your phone to 100% before using it for a game


  • Avoid using fake apps and make sure to download genuine licensed apps from a reliable online store
  • Make sure to use the app responsibly. Any app cannot be 100% accurate. Therefore, try not to be entirely dependent over the stats given by the app

Smart Soccer Balls

When you use a regular ball on the game pitch, then why not use one for tracking the stats of your game? A smart soccer ball does that. The ball comes with integrated sensors that are used to keep track of the user’s strike point, spin and kick speed.

These smart soccer balls are strong and sturdy and look like a real soccer ball where the only difference between the two is the fact that regular ones help players on the field and the smart ones help users off-field by providing all the information and stats required to work on their craft and improve their performance.

These balls track down the stats, which are then delivered to your phone via an app. These apps can be downloaded from the Google Play or App Store. The battery life of these smart balls usually last around 3,000 kicks and can be even connected to a Bluetooth device.


  • Do keep such sensitive gadgets away from excessive heat and sunlight
  • Do make sure that you invest in a good and authentic smart ball and demand for all warranty details


  • If you are recording a video, try to focus on the tournament only and do not record other people around you without permission.
  • Don’t kick the ball too hard as it has sensors inside

Smart Soccer Socks

More than 3 million teens in the US alone play soccer, which is a massive audience for different smart gadgets and tech brands. Hence, the smart sock is yet another innovative smart gadget that can be used by a large body of aspiring soccer players worldwide. Some designs of the socks even glow up after kicking the ball and tell the player if he kicked the game ball with the right part of the foot or not.


  • Do make sure that you purchase the socks of your actual size so that the sensors can function adequately, whenever you kick the ball.


  • Although these gadgets are of top quality and do not get damaged easily; however, it is advised not to expose these gadgets to moisture or damp surfaces unnecessarily.

With any sport or activity, the more a person tracks – the more he can improve. Whether you are a newbie or a pro soccer player, it’s crucial to track down your performance to improve your efficiency. The same rule implies any sport or physical activity, whether it is soccer, tennis, running, or basketball.

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